Mahmoud A. Shirazi

Candidate for San Rafael Mayor

Mahmoud A. Shirazi for Mayor
Local people governing for the good of local people.

The community of San Rafael is getting ready to take important initiatives that we all are facing today in their own hands and with right leadership to point us in the right direction we can overcome any adversity and challenge like, pandemic CoVID-19, business vacancy,  homelessness, unemployment, sexual harssment, that we are encountering to name a few.

The new administration will pick up approximately 12 million dollars short fall to start and here proper business activity is essential to get us out of that situation.

When measure R pass, we are promised to receive 1/4% transaction and use tax for next 9 years, so STAY LOCAL, SPEND LOCAL is going to be our strong motto for forcible future to get us all on the right track.

We are all special and the same and with cooperation, collabration, integration of ideas and actions we get there to call ONE HEART, ONE LOVE, ONE VOICE, for city of San Rafael is always true.

On November 5, 2024, vote for Mahmoud A. Shirazi
for San Rafael Mayor